MAT Group believes that every person is responsible from the global envirement…
We aim to create values in all fields of activities we are in.
“Zero Harm”
Our ultimate aim as MAT Group is to cause “Zero Harm” to the environment in all locations where we conduct our operations. To achieve this aim and serve relevant Sustainable Development Goals for a sustainable future.
- Assess the potential environmental impacts of our operations in advance,
- Plan our operations considering the adequate mitigations for identified impacts, and recognize the organizational risks and opportunities as per relevant national and international standards and legislations,
- Ensure our employees are trained and competent on environmental issues,
- Train our interested parties when necessary and consult them when required,
- Consider and keep track of energy management, emissions, natural resource consumptions, land management, water management & emissions, waste management, protection of biodiversity, climate change & carbon footprint with extensive care during our operations,
- Conduct internal audits including our subcontractors and suppliers in regular intervals,
- are committed to conduct annual management reviews on our environmental management system to support continual improvement. Our environmental management system is regularly audited by third parties,
- Are committed to report our environmental performance to stakeholders, interested parties and the public transparently through our company’s web site and other public reporting tools.
- Design and execute the company owned investment projects in an ecofriendly perspective
Environmental Impact Assessment sets a baseline for our environmental management system in our operations. During these assessments potential impacts on energy, water, land, air, biodiversity, noise, vibration and natural resources are identified. We apply stringent standards across all our projects, particularly when we operate in critical habitats that are rich in biodiversity and in areas of cultural significance or close to local communities, including indigenous people. All identified impacts are registered through necessary documentation. Mitigations for identified impacts are defined in these assessments and they are included in project planning.
While we plan our environmental management methodology for each operation, we consider the identified impacts and their mitigation options as a core part of the process. We further combine them with the relevant requirements of prime contract, national and international legislations and standards. Subsequently, we identify the internal and external issues as well as the needs and expectations of our stakeholders which are affected by the environmental management of our operations. The risks and opportunities arising from these issues are evaluated and included during environmental planning. We conduct cradle-to-grave analyses for all our products, services and activities in each operation.
We ensure that our employees are competent enough to achieve our ultimate objectives. For this purpose, we work with competent professionals both at corporate offices and in each operation. We regularly provide suitable and sufficient amount of training to our employees about environmental related topics including energy management, water management, land management, climate change, pollution prevention, spill prevention, protection of biodiversity, local communities and natural resource consumption. We also provide trainings and awareness meetings to our relevant stakeholders about environmental topics related to them. Consultation on environmental topics with stakeholders is one of the main principles of our management system.
Energy management is a key element for us to execute our work. We always seek for the most efficient energy systems with the best available technology. We analyze our current systems, keep track of efficiency opportunities and integrate improvements if applicable. In addition, we make investments on renewable energy resources where feasible.
In today’s world, energy has become a basic human need and a necessity which our lives depend on. Due to a globally growing population, energy demand increases every day while the current state of our planet and the climate face serious threats.
We are aware of the fact that the climate is changing and we should take responsibility to do our part to leave a better habitat for future generations. As part of our environmental management system, we measure our greenhouse gas emissions and calculate our carbon footprint annually in accordance with international accepted standards. We report our climate strategy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data on international platforms and the public transparently.
We respect wildlife and take great care to protect biodiversity everywhere we work. We demonstrate extensive care to endemic species. We support biodiversity and work together with relevant NGOs to protect it. We develop biodiversity action plans for our operations to mitigate our impacts on the flora & fauna at each location.
- We allocate sufficient resources for biodiversity protection
- We work closely with relevant NGOs and government authorities for biodiversity protection
- We ensure that our employees are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably
- We ensure that competent persons are involved in biodiversity management.
- Biodiversity baseline details of the flora & fauna are clearly identified in environmental impact assessments and baseline studies at each location of operation.
- Biodiversity action plans are developed based on the results of environmental impact assessment and baseline studies.
- If endemic species are identified which are potentially being affected by our operations, appropriate protection measures are taken including engineering controls, monitoring, measuring, treatment and relocation.
In respect of our ultimate aim, we use an integrated approach to Waste Management, with our utmost priority being the prevention of waste generation if possible. In cases where it is not possible to do so, other options are chosen by following the steps within the waste hierarchy. Waste Management Plans are developed for each operation in light of impact assessments which aim to ‘Eliminate Waste at Source’. Then Reduce, Reuse, Recycle principles are applied to manage the waste and minimize the impact of wastes. Finally, proper waste disposal methodologies are followed. We are keen to reduce plastic waste by banning the use of plastic bottles and replacing plastic products with alternatives.
Our Environmental Management System is in full compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Standard. As a result of the most recent audits, we have successfully completed our transition to the latest 2015 revision of the ISO 14001 Standard.
We plan, prepare and test our emergency response to environmental emergencies and incidents. We consider environmental incidents as opportunities to determine their causes and make sure they never happen again. For this purpose, we investigate and report each and every environmental incident, no matter its magnitude, in great detail. The lessons we learn following the investigation process are shared with all project management and execution groups as well as corporate management to make sure necessary measures are taken at all levels of the company.
We set smart targetsa nd key performance indicators for each of our operations and measure our actual performance against them. Improvement plans are prepared and implemented where there is a gap between the target and actual performance. We report our environmental performance to stakeholders, interested parties and the public transparently.
We regularly conduct internal environmental audits in each operation to ensure we comply with relevant requirements. Subcontractor and supplier (i.e. vendor) operations are also included in our audits. For each subcontractor and supplier, a preliminary environmental survey is conducted in the course of vendor selection process and at the commencement of operations. For each selected vendor, follow-up-audits are performed during the subsequent steps of operations. Environmental performance is a criteria in subcontractor / supplier performance evaluation process.
To achieve continual improvement of our system, we review the management system and our environmental performance annually in detail, identify the improvement areas and take appropriate actions in a timely manner.